Dear Brother and Sister Bevan,
Your daughter has safely arrived in the mission and is in her new area with her trainer. It was a pleasure to spend some time together with her in the mission home. We hope you enjoy the picture of your missionary with us and one with her trainer.
We have also attached a map of the mission with the names of the different areas.
Thank you again for sending us such a wonderful missionary and we look forward to working with your daughter in the coming months.
President and Sister Zinke
Japan Kobe Mission
Sarah with President and Sister Zinke (The Zinkes are from Laguna Niguel) |
Sarah and her trainer, Sister Fish |
Sarah is currently serving in the city of Kobe (small dark red area of the map- not to be confused with the brown color right next to it). So, my best educated guess is (because there is no actual key as to how to read this map) that each color represents a different zone of Sarah's mission. Each zone is then broken down into districts - each district has a name - the name is either written on the map or there is a number assigned to the district with a corresponding name in the box above! Sarah is currently assigned to the Kobe zone, in the Kobe district and her apartment is within walking distance of the mission home! If I am totally wrong about the colors and zones and districts please let me know! - Elizabeth |