This week has been more interesting than usual. I only say that because this week as we were visiting less actives, we finally met this one less active who we've previously tried to contact 3-4 times (?) We knock on his door, kind of expecting not to hear an answer, however we hear a "wait a minute!" What? There's someone home?! So one minute... 2 minutes... 5 minutes... 7 minutes go by.. no answer yet. We decide to knock again. This person is finally home, we are not leaving. Just as Elder Ballard said, "one thing I've learned from my mission is that persistence is the key".. anyway.
We knock again and he finally comes to the window of his apartment. To which he promptly says "I don't know you. Go away." At this point, we're not sure if the less active person is this said person or if they have moved... So we somewhat hesistantly knock because we have no confirming information.... This time he comes to the door. A bead of sweat falls down my brow. He comes out saying "You're really loud and annoying! What are you doing?! I don't know you! Go away. Go home!" He first shoves Hamilton shimai and she just promptly walks behind me. I can tell she is NOT happy. She did it for his protection. Then he starts to shove me away. But Hamilton shimai and I introduce ourselves as missionaries for the church of Jesus Christ of Latter day saints to which he promptly replies "There are no sisters in Matsuyama. There's no such thing as sisters in Matsuyama."
My companion and I just hold up our badges saying, "It's true" ( I was thinking "read it and weep"). Then we ask if he was said person. He says he is. Great... So we promptly turn around and say "sorry we were rude" and leave. We practically ran down the stairs to the bicycle parking.
While I was looking up the new adress of another less active to visit (we have gps in our fancy flip phones), I see him come down the stairs in the corner of my eye. I turn and I see him standing and staring at us, as if expecting us to leave. Hamilton shimai and I just look at each other and quickly grab our bikes and said "sorry, we're returning promptly" But then his continence changes. And he says "You had something you wanted me to hear. You were pretty rude, you're american aren't you?" and he talks to us completely civily and politely.
We set up an appointment for today. However, he stood us up. :/ Such is the life of a missionary. We're going to try and visit him again this week... maybe..
Saturday. We are out in the wonderful country town of Toon Shi (It's to like toe) or 東温市 (shi means city) and we are trying to find this less active when we see this dog come running behind us. He runs out into the street and nearly gets hit by a truck. So hamilton shimai goes and gets it, picks it up and goes around from house to house trying to find the owner. However, no such luck. So we ask a mother and her daughter for directions as to what we should do. She told us to take it to the police. Then Hamilton shimai and I put the dog in my basket, drive out to the police station fill out some paper work and then we left. 2 minutes later we saw the dog in the back of a police car. Gotta love being a country policeman. But all in a days work for a missionary. Saving souls. Saving dogs.
Sunday. In the third hour, with the combined relief society and priesthood, the first counselor talked about less actives and the list the missionaries created of those who have a positive interest (about 65 people) This list can double the amount of people in the branch easily, turning it into a ward! We'll see what the branch will do with this list. But last week, we got some treats from the branch. Last monday we found mint pocky's, come chocolate and melon hi-chews with a thank you note from the branch. We wrote a thank you note back.
Then today, while we were grocery shopping, this woman walks up to me and starts to ask about us, why we're in Japan and asks if we teach English. We switch numbers. Later today she calls us and sets up an appointment for Friday. We were intending on calling her tonight. But I guess that was too long! This is a first.
Then we went to a recycle shop today (found a really cute summer dress) and outside in the parking lot, I say hello to this woman who is about to leave on her motor bike. And we just start to talk and she says that she wants her children to learn english but that pronunciation is really hard in english. We give her a chirashi and I really hope she comes next week. Unfortunately we have to cancel Eikaiwa this week because we have to travel up to Niihama wednesday night for the "meet the president taikai" on Thursday in Okayama. I am disappointed. I love teaching English. Especially to help them understand english or when they stop saying their "s" with a "sh". Good stuff.
Things are well. Love the work. LOVE my companion. We definitely don't take each other too seriously. Come on, how many companionships sing Queen's "Bicycle" while riding our bikes. Good stuff :)
Love always,
Bevan 姉妹
Saving dogs and souls in Japan! |