I am . . . . being transferred to.....
Akou. :D The country side! This is my second time transferring and I am now half way through my mission (crazy) -
Pettit shimai is going to be training. That lucky trainee, she is going to have the best trainer ever! I am sum what jealous of her. This week, one of our zone leaders in Shimogamo is returning home to Colorado. It is so sad! I have worked with him for 4 transfers, and he was in Shimogamo for 6 transfers (crazy, ne?) I am definitely going to miss him and his advice. He helped Pettit Shimai and I so much, we are much better missionaries because of him.
I am definitely very sad to be leaving Shimogamo. A part of my heart will definitely remain in Kyoto. I am SO coming back here. I don't know when or how, but it will happen. However, I am excited for the adventures that lay ahead of me in Akou. It's in the Kobe zone, but it's completely inaka (country). I have also heard it's struggling a little bit, but we'll see when I get there. My new companion will be Sister Archibald and I will be the Senior Companion.... that's so weird! So the same sort of thing will happen as with Pettit Shimai and I... an equal share of responsiblities. :D I'm not sure how I feel right now about being the one in charge, but at least I'm not training this transfer. Funny thing is that there are only 2 new sisters coming into the mission this week, so Pettit Shimai was destined to train.
I have learned so much from Pettit Shimai and she says she has learned a lot from me - like patience, lol! She has taught me how to improve my prayers. I'm receiving better revelation in my prayers because I am asking better questions.
I have learned so much from Pettit Shimai and she says she has learned a lot from me - like patience, lol! She has taught me how to improve my prayers. I'm receiving better revelation in my prayers because I am asking better questions.
But in all missionary work, you have your good weeks and your not so good weeks. This week was not so hot, in fact it almost broke my heart. One of our yakusokoshas (baptism date people) dropped this week. She called us up right after Zone training meeting to say that she was too busy and that she didn't believe she could make her date. This was just after we had gone through training on how to rely on the Lord and to do all things cheerfully and to believe all things will work in the end. Heavenly Father was definitely testing our patience and what we had just learned... yup... That was really hard. Then that same morning during our meeting one of our investigators called and then sent us 6 texts... That never happens, in fact it's usually only one.... Turns out she wants to take a break from meeting with us for a month and a half. Despite these two occurences, Pettit Shimai and I still hope for the best. And even though we are being seperated, we will work our butts off. We are going to go out and find his elect. We will pray, rely on the Lord, and just work. Things will work out.
I invite you to do the same. The Lord knows who will listen, and who will not. Don't be passive about this work. This is the work of Salvation. He is hastening His work and He has helped me and He will help you. You just have to ask. Ask, pray, and prepare for opportunities. Invite someone to church, or to an activity. Take advantage of all the activities to invite your friends to come with you!
Bevan Shimai
Editor's note: Ako is a coastal town about 45 miles west of Kobe. Population of about 50,000. The city is most famous for its annual festival held in December which celebrates the revenge of 47 ronin (Samurai) against the death of their leader. A thousand or so years ago this part of Japan was a resort area for the courtesans living in the Imperial Palace in Kyoto! Today it is populated with steel mills, salt farms and the ruins of Ako Castle; Ako is famous for a particular type of salt that is harvested in this area. Just east of Ako is one of the most famous castles in Japan - Himeji Castle
The church here is a small branch that meets in a commercial storefront building. Her new companion, Sister Archbold has already been in Ako for one transfer (6 weeks). Stay tuned for more news about her new area next week!

Editor's note: Ako is a coastal town about 45 miles west of Kobe. Population of about 50,000. The city is most famous for its annual festival held in December which celebrates the revenge of 47 ronin (Samurai) against the death of their leader. A thousand or so years ago this part of Japan was a resort area for the courtesans living in the Imperial Palace in Kyoto! Today it is populated with steel mills, salt farms and the ruins of Ako Castle; Ako is famous for a particular type of salt that is harvested in this area. Just east of Ako is one of the most famous castles in Japan - Himeji Castle
The church here is a small branch that meets in a commercial storefront building. Her new companion, Sister Archbold has already been in Ako for one transfer (6 weeks). Stay tuned for more news about her new area next week!